We are all travellers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend- Robert Louis Stevenson. What are the origins of our instincts to travel?
Many scientists have believed that it’s in the Brain. Our Brains are wired to the different neural mechanisms of a movement. Why Travel is more preferred than media? How can we relax and perform well in daily tasks? Do you ever feel growth in your own-being in this media-obsessed world?
Media Psychology is a new branch of Psychology, well known for creating new awareness about the good and bad effects of media on our brains, which includes video games, online learning and internet resources such as Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms that most of us use every day. It says that the internet addiction disorders, attention deficient disorders can be minimize, when we talk to people, travel, and engage in mutual understanding of one own self.
Thus, Adam Galinsky, a well-known professor at Columbia Business School has done brilliant work on the connection link between, travel and brain says that:
Visit to Foreign Land and its experiences help in increase cognitive flexibility, depth and integrativeness of thought, the ability to take deep insights between unrelated forms. Multicultural engagement, adoption and adaptation will also help to gain more solid support network of friends and family. It also nudges people to understand that someone who lives abroad and doesn’t engage with the local culture will likely to get less of a creative boost than somebody who travels foreign and engage with the local culture.
So here are the Advantages of Travel to Human-Brain:
- Evolving Habits:
Travels helps in gaining better Health and Productive Habits for everyday lifestyle.
- Open-Mindedness:
Travel also makes easier for anyone, to realize that a single thing can have various implications on health of brain and mind.
- Innovation:
Just because you are going somewhere for a weekend, will not make you more innovative. Interact with locals; immerse with their lifestyle, checking-up on customs helps to develop trust in people.
- Creativity:
We all are wired to be creative. The different parts of the brain are good; when a series of neural systems relating with one another that keeps the flow of creative juices are at upbeat level.
- Sharpness and Better Memory:
Along with enriching imagination, adapting to new smells, sights and tastes new neuro-pathways in your brain, which enable new ways of thinking, an increase in sharpness and memory.
- Emotional Stability:
Emotions play a strong role in our travel choices. Outdoor travel activities release endorphins and improve our feeling of being healthy. It may be subjective with an age-related but a dose of travelling stabilizes and understands one’s own wellness.